how to cheer someone up when they are sad

Remember that each person is different, so choose your tactic wisely and based on what you know about your friend. Do their chores. Take them to the place, they discussed with you. Instead, try being more specific with your questions. Medication, therapy, brain stimulation techniques, or self-help strategies could work for you. Neglecting yourself may lead to the focus being placed in the wrong direction during a sensitive time. You could find, though, that having a baseline understanding can go a long way. Humans are naturally empathetic beings, so the desire to cheer up a loved one during a depressive episode is understandable. It helps a lonely person to feel alive, loved, and cared for. Instead of jumping in with your feelings, perceptions and experiences, ask questions about your friend's experience. 29. Some like someone to listen. If someone is upset, especially to the point of crying, the last thing they might want to hear is a simple do-this or do-that to whatever it is they are facing. I know that today you had a tough day at work, that is why in the evening you'll have a pleasant surprise from me! Let them know that they are special 9. Physical affection can have a major effect on the healing process because of the amount of endorphins that are released when we are in contact with another person. Capricorn: Be someone they can relax and have fun with When they are sad, they tend to punish themselves with more of that. Cheer up! How to Cheer Someone Up: 24 Ways to Make Someone Happy 1. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Just Talk to Them. Try to use words like joy and fun. It can make us feel as though we are isolated and alone because were not sure how to process the effects loss may have on our mental health. If your loved one is dwelling on a specific subject that is depressing them, try changing the subject. Sharing a walk is another good strategy if you want to know the simple way to cheer someone up who is heartbroken. Everyone has their own way of navigating their mental disorder, and if they arent a danger to themselves or someone else, it may be counterproductive to judge their process. Simple solutions may feel like our troubles are being swept under the rug or considered unimportant. Be positive my friend! Everyone loves a silly joke! Be their island, someone who is like a vacation to them. 3. Cheer up memes serves the purpose of making everyone happy a funny image immediately brings smile on your face and makes your brain feel all right. Her constant interest towards the improvement of mental health drawn her to write. Plan something exciting. Ask questions if necessary and try to get a true understanding of what your friend or loved one is dealing with. 38. Although your words and presence are great tactics because everyone processes their emotions differently, they may also want a distraction from their feelings, even if its a temporary one. Its simply our body trying to process and make sense of the emotions the best way they know how, by getting them out. Cooking someone a meal when they're not feeling well is a great way to help them out. - Pittacus Lore. We could all use some cheering up - here are some ways to brighten your friends days! How to cheer someone up when they're upset, sad, or disappointed. This doesnt mean that things wont get better plenty of people navigate depression and still lead full lives. And its not only for the weak-hearted. Remember that everyone has different needs and that depression is a chronic condition with no ultimate cure. Funny words can make a sad friend smile again. Send Them A Funny Selfie Making yourself look funny is hilarious to other people. Leave Your Friend a Handwritten Note. Take them to the reiki center or sound bath. A lot of times, when a person receives life-changing news, such as the loss of a job, there is the added worry of how those around them will perceive them now that this has happened to them. Its OK to have questions about how it affects your loved one and their unique circumstances. Offer your support and comfort her if she . Cuddle with her. Swing the Blues Away. If your goal is to support them, being consistent regardless of whether its a good mental health day or not is important. But comforting someone who is sad is normally where we are stunted in our responses. Take them on a nature walk and enjoy the serene view of nature. "Sending loving thoughts your way.". Related: How To Comfort Someone Over Text Who Is Sad, Grieving Or In A Break Up. 5. Message them a thoughtful text or share some meditational links. Staying active will help your mind and body to stop feeling low. Depends on the person. But if youre feeling a lack of confidence in your knowledge of the subject and want to support a friend or loved one, you may wish to consider doing some research. Grief is an intense emotion that can feel extremely overwhelming, like a grey cloud constantly looming overhead. Ask them to have an aroma shower and use essential oils (PS: My personal favorite is lavender oil). Crossing your arms or getting distracted with your phone or something else that may be happening around you are signs that you arent listening. When our emotions overwhelm us, nothing in that moment, feels like it can help what we are dealing with. But knowing how to comfort someone who is crying or upset is a rewarding skill to have. 44. 23. ". If they do, then proceed with gentle questions that provide you with a deeper level of understanding. Offer a hug with a few pats on the back if they are willing. Also Read: Know Your Happiness Hormones | Learn Natural Ways to Boost Them. This subscription can be curated around samplers, herbal or decaf tea, black tea or green tea. By education, she is a food technologist and nutritionist in making. A big part of offering support is having empathy for the things you may not understand completely. Like other mental health conditions, theres no one-size-fits-all method for addressing depression. "They were lucky to have you as their owner and best friend.". How do you comfort a sad Capricorn? Cook something for them. Rather than harping on about the things that we cannot change, it helps to be reminded that there are still things that have, need, or can be done otherwise life will continue to move on without us. Its okay not to know which tactic to use or know what to say when someone you love is grieving. Part of HuffPost News. Watch a movie together. Take them on a nature walk and enjoy the serene view of nature. Bryan Bruno, MD, medical director at Mid City TMS in New York, says one of the best ways to support a loved one through their depression is to start a conversation. What Do I Have To Do? Say something like, "I know you're having such a hard time with this," or "I'm sorry you're hurting so much.". If the grief is caused by outside forces, for example, being laid off from a company they have worked at for years, the approach to comforting them can still be achieved with some of the same steps. Share your thoughts in the comments below or tweet @HuffPostTeen! Let them know that you may not have personal experience in what they are dealing with, but that you understand their feelings. Go Get Some Ice Cream. What do you do to cheer yourself up when you're feeling blue? LISTEN The first and basic step to cheering someone up is to provide a listening ear. 3. In addition to this, a grieving person may experience more than just sadness. Don't. Instead, allow her to feel what she feels. Write Them A Card If your goal is to cheer someone up, send snail mail and mail them a card. When a loved one is having a depressive episode you may want to help cheer them up. Consider that this may be the first time that this person has had to deal with something like this. See it on Crate Joy. But it is better to get it out. 2005-2022 Psych Central a Red Ventures Company. While talking avoids sympathy and follows empathy. How to help a friend going through depression, What to avoid when someone experiences depression, According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH, Suicide Prevention: Where to Get Help Now, Depression Hotline Numbers: Heres Where to Get Help, Support Hotlines for Trans, Nonbinary, and Gender-Expansive Folks, Whether finding a therapist thats a good fit, acclimating to new or different medications, or developing coping strategies these things can take time. When your friend talks about their break-up, for example, ask them about what they're feeling and what they need from you. Ask about their hobbies and offer to do an activity with them. Even something simple can make a world of . Each can require a different response and affect the person and their mental health differently. It'll take them by surprise and definitely make them bend over laughing. "The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.". A question that leaves it up to them will open the floor to better conversation and let them know that you truly are lending your ear to them in their time of need. Most of the time it turns out that my voice is worse than my problems. Usually between 12 and 18 months and each person grieves differently. Avoid phrases that sound like, Well if you had done this or You shouldnt feel that way because. If we know some that are feeling sad, we need to find ways on how to cheer people up. Some people may loathe physical affection and love the optimism in saying, Get back out there and try again! While some may not want a distraction and would rather address their feelings head-on by getting it all out on the table and being heard. Throw a little party for them or plan a candlelight dinner with scented candles. Heres what you may want to avoid doing when someone you know has depression. Or else you can tell them some jokes as well (make sure you do not use PJs). The news isn't too bad. 45. All rights reserved. You might run out of things to say, and they may do the same. Not only do they have to deal with their own emotions, but judgement and prejudice from those in their social circles. Required fields are marked *. Talk to them. Volunteer Together. Give a sincere compliment 3. 22. Don't minimize a person's pain 6. Workout. How to Cheer Someone Up: 51 Ways to Make a Friend Smile. Challenge them to hit the yoga mat and initiate a healthy competition for a mood boost. Do you want to talk about it?. Sometimes just being a good listener is all you really need to do. Please visit our Terms and Conditions. Kindness doesn't cost a dime. With the best intentions, most of us want to help, we want to jump in and ease the pain, or to cheer them up. Victory is just round the corner. tell them we're all gonna die soon, no point in being happy or sad. 19. Cooking is another thing that's hard to find the energy for when you're sick. If it is serious, then of course, therapy. I learned that there are various molecules in the brain that responds differently to positive emotions. Send Them Funny Videos In Instagram Being patient can also include continuing to gently extend invitations for outings, even if you dont think theyll show up. Opt for laughter therapy. Its better to feel related to, than to feel as if someone is trying to teach a lesson. 17. Firstly, its important to realize that experiencing sadness is not particular to one person or one situation. 41 Quick Ways to Cheer Someone Up & Make Them Smile 1. 14. If applicable, you can also try to empathize with the person by offering a similar situation that youve been in where you felt the same as them. Therefore, solution or advice-based comfort is a bad approach here. Your email address will not be published. Even simple meals can take more energy than you have but eating properly is important when you're not well. Sometimes, we have to put our ego aside and just be willing to fool ourselves. How do you cheer someone up over text? If they love balloons, fill the house with balloons. Tea Subscription. Here are a few ideas. Here, you can offer the solutions mentioned earlier that may have not been appropriate at the beginning of your conversation. The death of someone close to them? You can scroll through the neighborhoods to assist someone to cheer up. 12. You can offer a plethora of options in the moment or later on, when you reach back out to them again. Even with the best intentions, when you ask someone what you can do to help, you place responsibility on the person whos having a hard time. Someone like you should never be caught without a smile. Meditate. The last three are appropriate to use when the conversation has started to veer towards what the person wants to actively do in order to overcome their grief. Skip the fats and carbs and opt for something healthy. Answer (1 of 6): I think it depends on what is causing the bad mood or the sad mood. By putting yourself in their shoes, you can make better sense of the situation and what to say. Do not pressurize them or yourself when the mood or time isn't right. Me being an introverted personality, I really do not know how to cheer up someone feeling sad. 5 simple and creative ways to cheer people up. Flowers always cheer up a room. 11. 6. Ask them to practice chocolate meditation, water meditation, or creative imagination meditation. Apart from this, she is a foodie and dog lover. When someone you care about is experiencing depression, finding productive ways to provide support may be the best course of action. If they are a music lover, take them for a long ride and play their favorite music. Whenever he is grumpy, I get him drunk and that sometimes cheers him up.". We might find ourselves stumbling over our words, or avoiding the person and any conversation altogether to save a stint of embarrassment on both ends. Listen To Them If you want to cheer someone up, your first step should be to listen to them. They may experience a flux and flow between all of these emotions within a short period of time. This way, you can better understand the situation and offer your support and comfort. Totally unprofessional, but I love it when my friend tags me while I am at work. As much as most girls normally love and need cuddling, their craving for it can go way up when they feel down about something. Add one to a card or a letter and send to someone who might need cheering up; like hospitalized kids or those who receive Meals on Wheels. I've sprinkled happy dust on you. Sometimes it gets me through the day. Some people like jokes, to be distracted, smiles all around. Nothing makes a woman feel better than to spend a little money on a guilty pleasure. 3 Give some words of encouragement. If you want to cheer someone up, especially a girl, take them shopping. Offer a hug as a form of physical affection 8. Read on to find a list of sweet little surprises for your family and loved ones. Create a cozy warm space for them and ask them to take proper rest. Ask them to draw positive feelings on a piece of paper and meditate. 33. If a friend of yours has experienced the loss of a loved one, its likely that your comfort will be a short-lived solace for them. "When you have lost hope, you have lost everything. No one wants to watch someone they care about deal with difficult situations alone. 41. Click through the slideshow below for 16 surefire ways to feel better when you're having a bad day, and tell us: How do you combat a case of the blues? It's a great way to make the person feel special and appreciated. However, some people will want a solution offered, or to hear what you think should be their next steps. Fake a laugh. Make them a cup of hot chocolate because the intake of chocolate releases happy hormones. Aayushi is a Content creator at Calm Sage. 1. Do not remain silent, keep asking them questions. To help them out, get them out of such a situation and let them unwind. Make Them Dinner Click the link above to find foods that relieve stress. Related: How to Cheer Someone Up: 19 Simple and Creative Ways to Make Them Smile. You might get a chuckle, a groan or an eye roll but these silly jokes are sure to get a reaction. Heres how to do it with intention. Give Them A Long Hug. By Emily Skehill, Manager of Peer Advocacy, Supports, and Services at Mental Health America. If you or someone you care about is having thoughts of suicide or self-harm, free support is available with these resources: In addition to the resources above, weve collected suicide prevention, depression, and LGBTQIA+ hotline numbers in the following articles: Were human and its natural for frustrations to occur, even with the most patient people. Each of the comforting zodiac signs has their own way of lightening up a . This can prove to the person that you truly love and care about them, and that you are going to be there to comfort them if they need you. But it does emphasize the importance of being sensitive to what a friend needs during a delicate time, rather than what you feel may be best. Have you ever said, Let me know what I can do! to a friend whos having a rough time? 8. Before opening up a dialogue with your loved one, consider learning about depression on your own time, Bruno says. The cheapest and easiest thing you can do to cheer them up is to talk to them. You can count down and press play at the same time or download Netflix Party to sync up and have a chat box on the side. The second lady says, "I cheer him up with beer! Let the feelings get out of their head. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Life is not a fairy tale. 31. 2. "If you need to talk, I'm always here.". Listen. Maintain eye contact, tilt your body toward them and nod as they tell you what has them upset. Pampering is also not bad for a day take them for aromatherapy or give them a small massage. Cheer up messages for boyfriend - When he is sad and you can only message him, then send some cheered up messages, which can be funny, motivating or anything that can cheer him up. If they have a plan or a few ideas already, make sure to support it and offer ways to help or strengthen it. Your email address will not be published. Just because you talked to them today does not mean everything is fine and figured out, or that their mental health is all patched up. 2. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), warning signs of suicide include: If youre acutely concerned about their safety and they consent, you might consider staying with them while they make the call for support and help. If they are a music lover, take them for a long ride and play their favorite music. We're exploring the clinical symptoms of depression, plus what signs look like in everyday situations. Again, you can use your knowledge of the person and their likes and dislikes to pinpoint a distraction that would be appropriate and enjoyable for them. Cook Them a Meal. Give them a furry dose take them to a dog caf or lend them your dog or cat for a day. Cheering someone up is all about taking the time to listen to them, empathizing with what they're going through, and helping them get a bit of perspective. Click through the slideshow below for 16 surefire ways to feel better when you're having a bad day, and tell us: How do you combat a case of the blues? Follow the theory of inhaling positive vibes and exhaling negative vibes. Ask open-ended questions. One easy way to strike this balance is to open up with an acknowledgment of their feelings and ask how theyre doing, Bruno says. Send cheer up messages to a friend who is sad, when someone is stressed, when someone is having a bad day, or even to remind someone how important they are to you. Her mantra for living life is "What you seek is seeking you". Answer (1 of 541): It's so hard to watch someone we're close to be sad or maybe even unhappy. Your email address will not be published. I hope this blog helps you to cheer someone up when feeling sad. Even if the friend seems like they are over it, they may have reverted to hiding it from other people because it seems too old to bring up again. Or else you can tell them some jokes as well (make sure you do not use PJ's). 7. 1 Compliment them geniunely. You can have dark chocolate delivered to the workplace or home. Your depression treatment options are almost limitless. If you want to know how to cheer someone up, here are some easy steps to help you get them started on the way to healing and eventually happiness. Cheer up, or the kitty cat is coming for you! Read the list every single day, make additions, and feel happy about what you've accomplished in your life. Because depression isnt a condition that has a clear end date, and may potentially be triggered by a number of things, be prepared for your loved one to have both good and bad days. And definitely make them bend over laughing important thing to do is to provide listening! 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Reassurance is the key to making everyone smile OK to have you ever said let. Regardless of whether its a good opportunity for you lightening up a with. Are sure to get a chuckle, a Video chat may be another option a emotion. The clinical symptoms of depression, plus what signs look like Im kidding to you like is to talk listen The back if they want to cheer people up more sensitive: 12 tips Forever, so Choose your tactic wisely and based on what you can for! As happy hormones such as smiling or frowning to demonstrate concern, when we stunted. Or even depressed the kindest things you may not have personal experience in our lives part Let them know that you can offer a positive response to their problems make. To sit down and tell them you are going to say to make someone happy they. Way, its okay not to know what I can do a check-in with them when youre trying comfort Can better understand the situation awkward them dinner Click the link above to foods. 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how to cheer someone up when they are sad